Perry Hicks

3288 days ago

My local Tory looked like a gangster but got my vote anyway

In the local elections my Tory candidate was a gent called Perry Hicks. He runs the local gym and with his slicked back hair looked like a gangster from the Kray area. I am sure that he is not a gangster but even if he is, he got my vote anyway.  As you can see below my votes were straight down the line Tory and I see that both Tories lost.

Like Theo, my quite cute Tory candidate for Parliament, Mr Hicks seems to be a great money tree believer. His flyer


3289 days ago

Thursday 7th May – a good day to bury bad news: how many profits warnings?

Tomorrow morning as the General Election polls open I shall be sitting in sunny Kalamata preparing to head out to see the snakes at the Greek Hovel. Fear not Theo Clarke (Con) and Perry Hicks (Con) my postal votes are already in. But on this day many in the City will be away from their desks trying to get the vote out and many investors will be looking elsewhere. In the words of a Labour spin doctor on 9/11 “it will be a good day to bury bad news” and I am told that a number of companies are already planning to do just that.  However…
